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Revelation Rug

Writer: Tracy BurnsTracy Burns

This rug came about, by preparing for a Bible study called "The Story" by; Randy Frazee. It is 31 weeks of Bible Stories from beginning to end. Our Create Team was able to find 10 different artists to create 19 of the 31 stories. We were asked to create our art work based on how God spoke to us through the process. I was asked by the pastors of our church to hook one of the stories.

I thought, I will need time to do the design and then hook everything. I thought well if I do the story on Revelation I should have plenty of time. "What Was I Thinking?!! I forgot all of the symbolisms connected to the book. But I do like a challenge and I sure got one. I made the piece 34" x 36", but it still was not big enough to hook every detail. It is Hand Hooked with 100% Wool fabric and a few sections have 100% silk Sari Ribbon hooked through fine Linen backing.

I wanted it to be somewhat dream like because it was presented to John that way. I went to a vintage gift stop and found old jewelry finds as well as Hobby Lobby for most of the charms. There were a few other searches on Etsy to find a few odd and hard to find pieces. It became a treasure hunt. It also has flashes of lightening and crashes of thunder. I found tiny LED lights on a wire that I have sewn down into the hooking along the lightening. Our church sound booth operator is an electrical engineer. He programmed a chip and sds card to take the sound and timed lightening. I wanted this piece of art to be somewhat interactive and it has been fun to see people react to it. I also wanted people to really think and ask questions about the story behind it. It has been a blessing to me to see how God has worked through this process with me, through the gift he has given me to bring more attention to Him.

May God Bless You Always.



This is where every symbol on my rug is represented in the book of Revelation.

The Revelation Of John the Divine This book of the Bible records a series of visions God gave toe the apostle John about Jesus Christ - not about Jesus' earthly ministry some sixty years earlier, but about the continuing work of Jesus from heaven by means of the gospel and the church. John saw a magnificent vision of Jesus standing among his churches (chapter 1: 12-.20). He saw a vision of God's throne and of Jesus as a lamb (Chapter 5). Then John described his visions of the lamb opening seven seals of the scroll (Chapter 6,7,8). In the last four chapters he described his visions of the ultimate destruction of evil and the emergence of God's holy city from heaven. Highly symbolic, Revelation reminds Christians that Jesus is continually active on earth from heaven and that Jesus' ultimate victory will bring our earthly struggles to a wonderful end. (kjv of the Holy Bible) Chapter 1 -Tells of The time is at hand. 7 gold lamp stands/candle sticks, 7 churches, 7 stars and 7 angels. It also talks about how Jesus looks as he comes from the clouds-with eyes like fire, hair like white wool, tongue like a two edged sword. He is the Alpha and Omega. He holds the keys to death and the grave. Chapter 2 - Everyone with ears to hear listen. The 12 fruit harvested form the Tree of Life. Everyone is given a white stone with a New name on it. Chapter 3 - The Book of Life, Everyone with ears to hear (mentioned 2x) The one who is Holy and True, The One Who is the Amen, Low I stand at the door and knock. Chapter 4 - Door opened in Heaven. The Throne in Heaven with a rainbow as like emerald. There are 24 thrones with 24 elders, with 24 crowns playing 24 harps. The 4 beings (one like a Lion, one like an eagle in flight, on with a head of a calf and one with the face of a man) with 6 wings and covered in eyes saying Holy Holy Holy the Lord God Almighty. A Sea of Glass. Chapter 5 - 7 Seals, Lamb that looked like it had been slain, having 7 eyes and 7 horns. 24 harps and 24 gold bowls willed with prayers to God. The 4 beings saying Worthy is the Lamb Who Was Slaughtered, Blessings Glory and Power Forever. Chapter 6 - The Lamb opens the 7 seals. 1st seal White Horse with a rider with a bow, 2nd seal Red Horse whose rider carries a sword, 3rd seal a Black Horse whose rider carries a set of scales, 4th seal a Pale Green Horse whose rider is Death. The 5th seal - seeing the souls of the ones slain for the word of God. The 6th seal an earthquake, the sun turned black and the moon became as red as blood. Chapter 7 -4 angels holding back the 4 winds, waving palm branches Chapter 8 - The 7th seal is opened the 7 angels were given 7 trumpets. There was crashing thunder and flashes of lightning, 1/3. Chapter 9 - Key to the bottomless pit Chapter 10 - small scroll Chapter 11 - The two witnesses, Flashes of Lightning and crashes of Thunder. A measuring stick, Great Hail - 75 pound hail stone(NLT). Chapter 12 - The 7 headed dragon with 10 horns and 7 crowns, Woman gave birth to a son. He will rule nations with an iron rod. Earth. Chapter 13 - Book of life, Ears to hear, the number of the beast 666. Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - 7 bowls with 7 plagues of God Chapter 16 - 3 frogs from the mouth of the dragon = Armageddon Chapter 17- 7 headed dragon, Woman wearing purple & scarlet=Babylon, book of life. Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Fine Linen - Represents the good deeds of God's Holy People (I used fine linen for the backing of this piece.) White Horse that Christ rides. Eyes of fire Chapter 20 - Chain around the dragon, the Lake of Fire and the Book of Life. Chapter 21 - Alpha & Omega, 12 gates made of Pearl, The Water of Life, the Book of Life. Chapter 22 - The Tree of Life with 12 fruits harvested every month. The Stream of Life flowing through the Tree of Life. Alpha & Omega 7 = Completeness -Perfection/ the perfect number of God. 24 Elders = 12 Disciples & 12 Tribes of Judah I would like to thank my husband John and our friend Aaron Maley for their help on this project. They helped with framing and lights and sound.


© 2009-2020 Tracy Burns | House on the Hill Rug Hooking

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